Category: Seller Info

  • Right Sizing Your Home

    Is Right-Sizing in your Future?

    #Buyer Info, #Seller Info,

    What is right-sizing? We all hear about downsizing which is primarily associated with folks over 50, however, in our real estate practice, we believe it is all about right sizing. Regardless of whether one is moving up or down, it may come with alot of emotion, a lot of details to coordinate and then there […]

  • Win-Win Contracts for Buyers and Sellers

    Win-Win Contracts for Buyers and Sellers

    #Buyer Info, #Seller Info,

    Discover the secret to successful real estate transactions with Win-Win Contracts for Buyers and Sellers.

  • Selling a home at Auction

    Selling a Home at Auction

    #Seller Info

    Selling and buying your home through an auction has been a growing trend. Sales for 2008 totaled 56.8 billion dollars, according to the National Auctioneer Association, and the trend is growing, although still a small percentage of total residential sales. There are 3 kinds of auctions: 1. Auction without Reserve: Also called an Absolute Auction, […]

  • Run from Commission-breath | REALTOR Ethics

    Run from Commission-Breath! (REALTOR ethics)

    #Buyer Info, #Seller Info,

    There’s a type of Agent or Salesperson everyone dreads. You know the kind, they’ve got those cartoon dollar signs in their eyes and those all-too-uncomfortable pressure tactics? Yikes! We’ve all been there, and wanted to run away from the person whose focus is on their own bottom line and how we can enlarge it for […]

  • Essentials to Bring to Your Real Estate Closing

    Essentials to Bring to Your Real Estate Closing

    #Buyer Info, #Seller Info,

    Here are the essential items all Home Buyers AND Home Sellers should bring to your real estate closing! Don't forget to bring yours!

  • Why Do Real Estate Agents Ask If I am Working with a Realtor?

    Why Do Real Estate Agents Ask If I am Working with a Realtor?

    #Buyer Info, #Community Info, #Seller Info,

    Don’t feel bad! There are two very good reasons why real estate agents ask if you’re working with a realtor. Read this article to find out more.