Keep the Kids Busy in Columbus’ Bicentennial Park

Erin Ogden Oxender, REALTOR Author - Erin Ogden Oxender
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Unwind at the scenic Scioto Mile Promenade after exploring Columbus' Bicentennial Park. Discover the fountain, restaurant, and pavilion in this downtown oasis.

60 Days of Summer Columbus OH Fun Activities To Do

Bring your chess set, board game, or laptop for a tranquil tabletop game on the Scioto Mile Promenade after enjoying outdoor activities in the rest of Columbus’ Bicentennial Park. This downtown park features a beautiful fountain, a park restaurant, a performance pavilion, as well as flower gardens and the scenic Promenade.

John W. Galbreath Columbus’ Bicentennial Park by Pina Triplett

The Promenade is a lovely wide paved walking trail that connects Battelle Riverfront Park with Bicentennial Park. There are swings, canals, and tables for board games or chess lining the walkway, and beautiful gardens and trees, too. This is a fantastic place to walk, river gaze, swing, chat and relax on summer days, especially with that cool river breeze blowing the city heat away!

The AEP Foundation Fountain is a stunning interactive fountain, with splash features for children, and lighting and fog effects at night. Fountain shows are actually scheduled throughout the summer. Pets are not permitted, and children under 8 must have an adult with them…and a word to the wise, the water is recycled so it’s not for sipping.

Mile 229 is the Park Restaurant, which offers views of the riverfront and fountain. While pricey, the food is delicious and the excellent staff is very accommodating of well-behaved children. Pets not permitted.

The performance pavilion is host to free music, dance and theatrical performance presented by Columbus Parks and Rec, and is available for rent for events.

This park is another of our summer sweethearts but is worth visiting three seasons a year. Only in the cold winters is it too frigid for real enjoyment.

Bicentennial Park
233 Civic Center Drive
Columbus, OH 43215

Photo Credit: Pina Triplett